Android App Development Fundamentals for Beginners

Android App Development Fundamentals for Beginners

Android App Development Fundamentals for Beginners

Android is the most used mobile operating system in mobile phones. Not surprisingly, everyone wants to learn Android App development skills. You can access it even if you’re not a developer. Anyone who loves programming who has some working knowledge and understands the basics of Android app development for beginners.

What is Android?

Android is a mobile operating system developed by many developers, especially Google and Open Handset Alliance. Operating systems are written in languages ​​such as Java (UI), C (Core), C++. The first Android product, released in November 2007, was released in September 2008.

Android operating system belongs to the Unix-like operating system family and is a modified version of the Linux Kernel.
Designed for mobile devices, touchscreens, smartphones and tablets. Android has been the world’s best selling smartphone since 2011 and for tablets since 2013. Currently, the operating system has more than 5 billion monthly users.

Android Application Development Fundamentals

Android application development is easy when a developer or developer has a good understanding of the basic concepts behind application development. The features of the development of the application, the ability of the desired language, the best configuration of the application and the entire life of the Android application are fundamental.

Pure Technology has a team of experienced trainers. Because this is a very strict program, all teachers focused on teaching students more easily and focused on live activities. It has a good laboratory where students can make all kinds of applications.

Android Application Development Fundamentals Beginners Basics

Android Programming Languages

Android’s programming is done in two languages ​​JAVA or C++ and XML (Extensible Markup Language). Today, KOTLIN is also the first choice. XML files include design, presentation, configuration, layout, etc. (as front-end) while holding JAVA or KOTLIN buttons, changes, storage etc. (according to the latter) works on it.

Android Components

Application Components are the building blocks of Android. Each product has its own role and lifecycle, from implementation to end. Some of these products are linked to other products. Each item has a different purpose.

The four main components of the application are:

1. Functionality

2. Services

3. Broadcast

4. Content Provider

On-screen UI and user interaction. In other words, it is the user interface that contains the functions. These can be one or more, depending on the application. It starts when the application starts. There is always at least one action. This work is done as follows.


Activities represent the user interface and handle user interactions. They are responsible for providing specific functionality and displaying the app’s content to the user.


Services are background components that perform long-running operations or handle tasks that don’t require a user interface. They enable the app to execute tasks even when it is not actively visible to the user.

Broadcast Receiver

The broadcasts responses to messages from other applications or systems. For example, when the phone’s battery is low, the Android operating system will make a notification to launch a power-saving app or app, and the app will use the appropriate one after receiving the words.

BroadcastReceiver is a subclass of BroadcastReceiver class and the target object represents each object.

Content Provider

Content Provider is used to transfer data from one application to another application at the request of another application. The ContentResolver class takes care of this.
These classes implement APIs (application programming interfaces) that allow other applications to run. All Content Providers must use the ContentProvider superclass.
The service is an action performed by an application. These can be long-lasting, such as a user playing music while surfing. Services may require other services for certain functions.
The main purpose of the service is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the application without interrupting the interaction with the user.

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